samakaaleen vyakti example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Students may wish to consult (in addition to the Oxford Advanced Learner s Dictionary), the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, the Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner s English Dictionary, and the Word Master (Orient Longman), or any good dictionary of their choice.
And sport is a large part of contemporary life: it is one way in which we amuse ourselves, compete with each other, stay fit, and express our social loyalties.
Colonial rulers regarded the contemporary culture of India as inferior.
Another group of novels depicted the inner world of domestic life in contemporary settings.
Picture books, translations from other languages, popular songs sometimes composed on contemporary events, stories in newspapers and magazines – all these offered new forms of entertainment.Given are the examples of hindi word samakaaleen vyakti usage in english sentences. The examples of samakaaleen vyakti are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., contemporary.
The themes range from childhood and adolescence, to disability, talent and achievement, to music, science, and contemporary social and environmental concerns.
Students may wish to consult (in addition to the Oxford Advanced Learner s Dictionary), the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, the Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner s English Dictionary, and the Word Master (Orient Longman), or any good dictionary of their choice.
And sport is a large part of contemporary life: it is one way in which we amuse ourselves, compete with each other, stay fit, and express our social loyalties.
Colonial rulers regarded the contemporary culture of India as inferior.
Another group of novels depicted the inner world of domestic life in contemporary settings.
Our reading thereafter has confirmed our initial impression: democracy is the dominant form of government in the contemporary world.
Think of all the challenges that democracy faces in contemporary India.
It seemed hard to believe that both pictures were different aspects of contemporary human society.
This invasion was followed by a series of plundering raids by the Afghan ruler Ahmad Shah Abdali, who invaded north India five times between 1748 and 176 The devastation of Delhi after Nadir Shah's invasion was described by contemporary observers.
संबंधित शब्द समकालीन व्यक्ति के पर्यायवाची समकालीन व्यक्ति के विपरीत शब्द